**Scroll to the bottom to access the most up-to-date FAQ's not covered in the overview**
What a wild ride the past 6 weeks has been! We love that we’ve been able to bridge the social distancing gap and create art with SO MANY new friends over the past month and a half! It’s an honor to be an “art teacher” in your home and to get to walk through these processes with you and your family. We are even more excited that so may of you have loved our tutorials enough to want more - and have fueled the steam behind our new Made with McHarper Membership site! It’s going to be awesome!
I want to take a moment to cover some basics. These are the things I am really excited to share with you, and answers to the questions you all have been asking - and things I think I would want to know if I were the person signing up. In these tutorials I get to dive deep with you. I get to show you more intricate and multi-step processes that just wouldn’t work on a 30 minute live-stream! I think it’s going to take our art-game to the next level!
Here’s how it’s going to work:
Each month, you will have access to our virtual classroom that hosts new video content + access to a full library of our (ad-free) existing lessons. The number of new monthly videos may vary - but some lessons may present multi step projects. For May (our first month) we have eight total videos on six different projects. Two of the lessons are two-part processes. Some months we could have a three part process - some months could have two or even three multi-step projects. Some months you could potentially see a few longer single step process videos. We are constantly building content and adjusting to what works best for everyone.
Members will see videos that focus on these four areas:
Paint! Painting techniques will be taught from acrylics, to watercolor, tempra and more.
Draw! Students will focus on form and line, shade and value to improve their drawing skills.
Sculpt! Students will work on 3D forms! These types of projects include sculpting with clay, paper mache, up-cycling and more!
Play! These projects will include the element of play! They might focus on story-telling, a messy tactile process, or sometimes result in an end product that’s interactive!
Throughout the year we will include mixed media, printmaking, and other fun mediums - but you can count on these staples of art in our lessons each month!
Once you are enrolled, you will have access to our PRIVATE members only Facebook Group. This group will be a place for you to ask questions that are monitored more regularly than our public page. It’s also a great place to share your art, create community with other members, and interact with me! I will be live in the group for a Q & A on the first of the month when new content is released. You have the opportunity to chat with me and get a quick overview of the content for the month. I will go live again weekly for another Q & A for members only during the month of May regarding any questions that should arise throughout the month, and really just to check in and say hi to all of you! Members of the group will receive reminders for these sessions. If you have a question prior or cannot make it to these live events you can always ask questions in the group and someone will get back with you as soon as possible!
In addition to the exclusive members only videos added on the first of each month, you will have access to a full library of existing content (ad-free) - from the live streams that occur on Facebook, IGTV, and YouTube, to “extra” fun videos we create for special occasions. You’ll have all of our videos in one place - and never have to bounce around to find that new project we released! Our goal is to add any live-stream content to the membership site within 48 hours of release on other platforms for your convenience.
Along with our videos, you will have special access to supply lists and PDF downloads for any printable resource right along with your videos. All coordinating sheets will be viewable and able to be saved / printed from the very same place you begin a lesson and access a video. No searching!
When you sign up for our membership, you will receive my very own “Art Toolkit” that includes my best tips and ideas for setting up your art space, basic supplies, and suggestions on more art supplies for hungrier artists. I also provide you with my “Guide to making art with kids!” that I’ve developed over countless hours of making (and loving) art with kids ages 2 and up!
Annual members will always receive a 10% discount on any other content. This will include birthday parties and summer camps (once available) You will receive a promo code to use for your future purchases! (For members registering prior to May 1st, 2020, please allow a week or so for your promo code to generate & be emailed to you. Don’t worry though - no extra content for purchase will be available before you receive your code.)
Our pricing structure is as follows:
**All prices calculated in US dollars
Monthly members: $25 monthly grants you access to our membership site and content for 30 days. Should you decide not to cancel, your membership will renew at the end of your term and you will have access for another month. This cycle will continue as long as you’d like - or until you decide to upgrade to a longer term membership, or cancel. You are under no obligation to continue your monthly membership - and you can cancel your renewal at any time. **Please note - this price has changed from the previously announced $24.99, as our site host requires that prices be rounded to whole dollar amounts.
Semi-Annual Members: (limited number available) $21.50 monthly (a 15% discount off of monthly pricing with a semi-annual payment of $129) grants you access to our membership site and content for six months. Should you decide not to cancel, your membership will renew at the end of your term and you will have access for another six months. This cycle will continue as long as you’d like - or until you decide to upgrade to a longer term membership, downgrade to monthly membership, or cancel your membership. You are under no obligation to continue your membership - and you can cancel your renewal at any time.
Annual Members: (limited number available) $17.50 monthly (a 30% discount off of monthly pricing with an annual payment of $210) grants you access to our membership site and content for twelve months + you will receive the “annual member discount” on camps and “other content”. Should you decide not to cancel, your membership will renew at the end of your term and you will have access for another year. This cycle will continue as long as you’d like - or until you decide to downgrade to a semi-annual or monthly membership, or cancel your membership. You are under no obligation to continue your membership - and you can cancel your renewal at any time. Due to overwhelming response, ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS ARE CURRENTLY SOLD OUT. Thank you for your support!
Important notes for launch / month one:
For the soft-launch on April 24th, we will be releasing the first FOUR video lessons, then the remaining FOUR videos for the month will be added on May 1st. Future month’s content will load on the first of each month. This is simply a staggered release to keep all of our friends creating while we finish up the editing and content for the initial month since we aren’t doing multiple weekly live videos beyond week 6. This should supplement, as we will still be offering occasional live videos on our other platforms and will be including the video library as well. The first official “live” Q & A session in the private Facebook group will be May 1st.
Other FAQ’s:
Will you still be doing live-streams and free tutorials on your page?
Live classes will continue sporadically on the Facebook page - BUT, they won't be saved to our public YouTube account after, as we've previously done. We will be keeping the live element alive for interaction - but we will only be adding the recorded video to our membership site afterwards so that it can be re-accessed there (for our members only) if they have questions and want to go back and re-try or revisit. Or - if members weren't available to attend the live, this gives them the opportunity to still see it. It will be a different project than the other exclusive lessons on the plan, so it's basically another bonus for members.
What will the members only Q & A sessions cover?
This is the perfect time to ask questions about the new projects, alternative supplies, art-making in general, or anything they'd like to ask, really. It's to keep the in-person feel alive for me. I LOVE connecting with students and families, and the last thing I want is for people to sign up for videos without interaction. Interaction for me is what drives all of this 🙂 But I do want it to be fair - and the people that are supporting our site with membership should get more of our time - so that's why I've committed to doing things in the smaller member group vs in the public page that reaches tens of thousands.
Will you still have supply lists for us?
For the subscription site, you have access to new video lessons each month. Upon clicking into each course you will see a supply list and any printable resources for each lesson (think the jar printable for our recent watercolor activity). As soon as lessons load for the month, you will be able to go into each lesson and read the supply lists or print them off. Anything that you don’t have the supplies for you can go ahead and order, waiting to do those projects until later in the month after your supplies arrive. For May, you should be able to do most everything in the month with supplies on hand without purchasing new things – with the exception of possibly some more polymer clay if you’ve gone through all of yours from the previous weeks. There will always be lessons that require watercolor paints & paper, and acrylic paints with substrate like acrylic canvas or canvas paper. These are things that I expect most of you still have on hand from the previous six weeks of art lessons and will want to keep on hand for art-making. When we launch, one of the first resources you will see available is my art tool kit that includes standard supply suggestions. If you have those things on hand you shouldn’t have to purchase many things outside of those suggestions- unless we do something with a specific type of clay or something unique. But remember- for the month of May I will have weekly Live Q&A sessions that you can use to ask me about alternative materials if you don’t have something on hand for a project that they want to get started on right away.
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